The Good Work Standard


The Good Work Standard (GWS) sets the benchmark for good business practice. Organisations that fulfil the GWS criteria can apply for accreditation and recognition as leading employers from the Mayor of London. Kirros can show you how to use the framework to fulfil the requirements of employment law, create optimal working practices and accelerate business growth. The GWS accreditation scheme can also help you attract and retain top talent.

    Mayor of London's Good Work Standard

    A new accreditation scheme for London's employers

    MThe Mayor of London's Good Work Standard (GWS) brings together best employment practice with resources and support available from across London to help employers improve their organisations. The initiative has been developed in collaboration with London's employers, trade unions, professional bodies such as the CIPD and industry experts.

    The GWS is organised into four pillars:

    1. Fair pay and conditions
    2. Workplace wellbeing
    3. Skills and progression
    4. Diversity and recruitment

    There are also three levels of accreditation.

    To achieve the GWS, employers must first complete the self-assessment for the Foundation criteria. This level of accreditation sets out the legal requirements and basics of employment practice that every employer should have in place. For start-ups and early growth businesses, this provides an excellent launch pad for sustainable growth.

    Once employers have completed this stage, they will be invited to register for the GWS and can progress through two further levels:

    Achievement - the standard for good employment practice

    Excellence - for employers that demonstrate how they embed excellent practices into their organisation

    Kirros can guide you the process of application for the GWS and explain how the GWS supports business growth.
